Chlorphenesin Carbamate(CPC)の代謝におよぼす腸肝循環の影響(第1報)モルモットと胆管結紮ラットについて
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In guinea pigs, chlorphenesin carbamate (CPC), a centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant, was excreted rapidly in urine after oral administration of the ^<14>C-labeled compound. During 5 days, about 93% of the dose administered was recovered from urine and only 2% appeared in feces. The glucuronide of CPC was the major metabolite which accounted for about 87% of the total radioactivity excreted in 48 hr urine and only 2.5% of the urinary radioactivity was excreted as the acidic metabolites including p-chlorophenoxylactic acid, p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid and p-chlorophenol. The biliary excretion of CPC after intravenous administration was less than 10% of the dose administered in guinea pigs, while it was about 42% in rats. The major metabolite found in the bile was the glucuronide in both species. In common bile duct-ligated rats, CPC markedly inhibited the spinal reflex but duration of the action was shorter than that in intact rats. A temporary rise of radioactivity, followed by rapid fall in blood and rapid excretion in urine were observed by the ligation of common bile duct after administration of ^<14>C-CPC, as compared to those in intact rats. CPC was excreted mostly as its glucuronide and the excretion of acidic metabolites decreased markedly in these bile duct-ligated rats. Urinary acidic metabolites increased to a greater extent after oral administration than by a subcutaneous route.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-11-25
田中 一郎
Research Laboratories Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
倉地 道雄
諏訪 俊男
大正製薬株式会社 医薬動態安全性センター
諏訪 俊男
大正製薬 総研
野津 隆司
田中 一郎
田中 一郎
Research Laboratory Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
瀬戸山 蔭義
諏訪 俊男
大正製薬株式会社 総合研究所
倉地 道雄
大正製薬株式会社 セルフメディケーション開発研究所
倉地 道雄
大正製薬株式会社 総合研究所
野津 隆司
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