有害性金属に関する研究(第1報)塩化カドミウムのin Vitroでのラット小腸透過ならびにその透過におよぼすキレート剤の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
The transport of cadmium chloride across the rat intestine in vitro was studied by the perfusion method using the segments of everted rat small intestine. The disappearance of cadmium from the mucosal solutions of rat duodenum, jejunum, and ileum followed apparent first-order kinetics. In this case, cadmium transported from the mucosal to the serosal side of each region of the intestine was small in amount and a large portion of the metal in the mucosal solution was taken up by the intestinal tissue. Cadmium transport was approximately proportional to the metal concentration in the mucosal solution and no difference was observed in the metal transport among rat duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. It was suggested from these results that cadmium transport across the rat small intestine would occur by passive diffusion. The effect of various chelating agents on cadmium transport across the rat small intestine in vitro and its uptake by the intestine were also studied. Cadmium transport was greatly enhanced in the presence of trans-1,2-cyclo-hexanediamine-N, N, N', N'-tetraacetic acid (CyDTA), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and, to a lesser degree, in the presence of citric acid and succinic acid. Cadmium uptake decreased to a greater extent in the presence of CyDTA, EDTA, and NTA. In addition, it was suggested that the effect of EDTA on the intestinal transfer of cadmium was not due to a modification of intestinal permeability characteristics but possibly due to the enhanced transport of cadmium across the intestine in the form of cadmium-EDTA complex.
- 1974-06-25
- Cd-Chelex法による動物組織中のメタロチオネインの簡易定量
- 有害性金属に関する研究(第16報)カドミウムのL-ヒスチジン吸収阻害に対するキレート剤の影響
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- Studies on Synthetic Sweetening Agents. XV. Metabolism of Sodium Cyclamate. (4). Influences of Phenylbutazone, Phenobarbital, and Tolbutamide on Metabolism of Sodium Cyclamate in Rabbits
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- 2-イソプロピルナフタレン及びその光分解物の肺毒性
- Alkylnaphthalene. XI. : Pulmonary Toxicity of Naphthalene, 2-Methylnaphthalene, and Isopropylnaphthalenes in Mice
- L-ヒスチジン及びL-ロイシンの小腸吸収に対する必須金属の影響
- Studies on Poisonous Metals. XIX. : Comparative Effects of Chelating Agents on Distribution and Excretion of Inorganic Mercury in Rats
- Studies on Poisonous Metals. XIII. : Effect of Cadmium on Small Intestinal Absorption of L-Histidine in Rats
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- Studies on Poisonous Metals. II. Effect of Chelating Agents on Excretion of Cadmium through Bile and Gastrointestinal Mucosa in Rats
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- Effects of Lanthanum, Terbium and Ytterbium on the Absorption of Saccharides in the Small Intestine of Mice
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- N-Benzyl-D-glucamine Dithiocarbamate and N-p-Isopropylbenzyl-D-glucamine Dithiocarbamate Improve the Protective Effect of Diethyldithiocarbamate against Cadmium-Induced Testicular Toxicity in Rats
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- Studies on Poisonous Metals. XI. Effect of Chelating Agents on Biliary Excretion of Cadmium in Rats
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- Alkylnaphthalenes. I. : Absorption, Tissue Distribution and Excretion of 2,6-Diisopropylnaphthalene in Rats
- Studies on Poisonous Metals. V. Excretion of Cadmium through Bile and Gastrointestinal Mucosa and Effect of Chelating Agents on Its Excretion in Cadmium-Pretreated Rats
- 有害性金属に関する研究-6-カドミウムのin vitroでのラット小腸透過に及ぼす食品成分の影響〔英文〕
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- 有害性金属に関する研究(第1報)塩化カドミウムのin Vitroでのラット小腸透過ならびにその透過におよぼすキレート剤の影響
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