チトクロムcヘムオクタペプチド(CHP)の代謝 その1 ^3H-CHP, ^<35>S-CHPの作成とラット投与における吸収, 分布, 排泄, およびマウスにおけるオートラジオグラフィー
- 論文の詳細を見る
The distribution of cytochrome c heme octapeptide (CHP) was investigated by the tacer technique and whole body autoradiography. Purified CHP from yeast cytochrome c was tritiated by Wilzbach's method and purified by chromatography on Amberlite IRC-50 column, Preparation of ^<35>S-labeled CHP was performed by tryptic and peptic digestion of ^<35>S-cytochrome c which was obtained by cultivation of yeast, Candida krusei, in the medium containing H_2^<35>SO_4. Radioactivity was clearly observed in most of the organs 1 hr after the intravenous and subcutaneous injection of ^3H-CHP in the rats. A relatively high uptake of.radioactivity was seen in the blood, kidney, lung, liver, and heart. The radioactivities in the brain, however, increased markedly much slowly compared with those in other tissues, and reached a maximum after 3 days. In contrast the orally administered ^3H-CHP was scarcely incorporated through the intestine, and 47% of the radioactivity still remained in the gastro-intestinal tract after 7 days. ^<35>S-CHP also appeared to be absorbed, distributed, and excluded similarly as ^3H-CHP regardless of the way of injection. Whole-body autoradiography using ^<35>S-CHP in the mice gave almost the same results as above. It is of interest that, different from the metabolism of cytochrome c and amino acids such as cystine and phenylalanine, CHP is readily incorporated and remained in the tissues, especially hippocamps in the brain, secretory glands such as masal and salivary glands, and the white pulp in the spleen.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1973-05-25
進藤 英世
中島 栄一
村田 正弘
岡田 稔
中島 榮一
Central Research Laboratories And Product Development Laboratories Sankyo Co. Ltd.
進藤 英世
中島 栄一
三共株式会社 分析代謝研究所
中島 栄一
安村 明
岡田 稔
岡田 稔
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- チトクロムcヘムオクタペプチド(CHP)の生理活性その2dl-イソプロテレノール投与によるラット心筋のアンギナ様病変に対するCHPの抑制効果
- チトクロムcヘムオクタペプチド(CHP)の生理活性その1実験的ハイポキシアによる生体組織損傷に対するCHPの抑制効果
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