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The coordination sites of tetracyclines to Cu^<2+> in a solution at pH 5 were examined by the methods of circular dichroism (CD) spectra, absorption spectra and optical rotation. The results obtained were as follows : 1) The CD spectrum of tetracycline (TC)-Cu^<2+> complex showed a positive peak at 400 nm, whereas that of tetracyclinenitrile (TN)-Cu^<2+> complex didn't show any positive peaks in the range over 350 nm. 2) Bathochromic shifts in the absorption spectra of TC and TN induced by the addition of Cu^<2+> at pH 5 were observed. 3) With an increase in the molar ratio of Cu^<2+> to TC or oxytetracycline (OT), the optical rotation changed from negative to positive. On the other hand, the optical rotation of TN-Cu^<2+> complex was independent of the molar ratio of Cu^<2+> to TN. 4) The CD spectrum of TC-Cu (ethylenediamine)^<2+> or OT-Cu (ethylenediamine)^<2+> complex showed a positive peak at 400 nm or 390 nm. 5) The curves obtained by the plots of the optical rotation against the molar of Cu (ethylenediamine)^<2+> to TC or OT were similar to that obtained by the plots against the molar ratio of Cu^<2+> to OT. Therefore, at pH 5,tetracyclines may bind to Cu^<2+> at both C_<11>-C_<12> β-diketone site and C_2 carboxamide site through bending of A ring over B and C rings.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1981-02-25
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- ガスクロマトグラフ法による3-アセトキシメチルセファロスポリン注射液中の酢酸の簡易定量
- カラム抽出 : 高速液体クロマトグラフ法による血中フェニトインおよびヒドロキシフェニトインの定量
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