- 論文の詳細を見る
Anti-sialidase activity was studied in a part of a research on pharmacological actions of medicinal plants. Kakkon-to (葛根湯) (extracted granular 2.5 g/20 ml H_2O) showed sialidase inhibition activity (64.4%). Taiso (大棗), Mao (麻黄), Keihi (桂皮) and Shakuyaku (芍薬) which were constituents of Kakkon-to inhibited sialidase activity and Mao showed the strongest inhibition effects. The medicinal plants extracts showing the inhibition of sialidase contain various tannins. The anti-sialidase activity of tannic acid varied according to the concentration of tannic acid and galloylglucoses (1,2,6-tri-, 1,2,3,6-tetra- and 1,2,3,4,6-pentagalloyl-β-D-glucose) found in Gobaishi (五倍子) and Boshokushi (没食子) etc. Those extracts showed very strong inhibition, depending on the number of galloyl group but without relation with gallic acid and glucose. Effects of galloylglucoses on Vero cells were examined. Vero cells were impaired at the concentration of 10μg/ml. Anti-sialidase activity of flavones was examined and among flavones, kaempferol showed the strongest inhibition effects.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-06-25
松本 仁
ルナール 純子
ルナール 純子
佐藤 利夫
目鳥 幸一
峯尾 哲
Sato T
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokushima Bunri University
峰尾 哲
峰尾 哲
峯尾 哲
松本 仁
徳島文理大 薬
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