- 論文の詳細を見る
Biochemical alterations of the connective tissue components and the cholesterol accumulation sites in atherosclerotic aorta, which were induced in rats fed with an atherogenic diet supplemented with 0.15% β-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) for 6 weeks, have been studied. There was a marked decrease in hydroxyproline and elastin-specific cross-linked amino acids, a marked increase in sulfate, and a marked decrease in the weight of residue after extraction from the aorta with boiling NaOH solution. These changes were also observed in animals treated with BAPN alone, suggesting that BAPN administration causes a reduction of total collagen and insoluble elastin, and an increase of glycosaminoglycan in the aorta. Of interest is an increase in aortic phosphorous content, but essentially no change in the calcium content. The cholesterol which was accumulated in the aorta of rats fed with a diet supplemented with high-cholesterol and BAPN was not present in the insoluble elastin fraction nor in the collagenase- and elastase-solubilized fractions of the aorta. The results suggest that such cholesterol accumulation does not result from a stable complex formation with arterial elastin, but presumably from deposition in the cells of the arterial wall.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-12-25
国友 勝
国友 勝
武庫川女大 薬
国友 勝
武庫川女子大学 薬学部 薬理学i教室
二川 良子
阪東 芳雄
阪東 芳雄
武庫川女大 薬
二川 良子
武庫川女子大学 薬 薬理
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