百日咳菌(Bordetella pertussis)の生理活性物質の茶カテキンによる不活性化と抗原性
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An ability of tea catechins known as agents for the disinfection to bacteria and viruses were tested on application for toxoiding biologically-active components of Bordetella pertussis. The effects on the activities and antigenicity of filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) and pertussis toxin (PT) were investigated. The activities of FHA and PT were inactivated by catechins at approximately 10^3 times lower dose (0.2mM) compared with that of formalin. The activity of inactivated FHA was recovered by dialysis against Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0,containing glutathione or Tris-HCl buffer, pH 6.0. But the activity of inactivated PT was not recovered. Antigenicity of catechin-treated antigens were investigated by immunization to mice. The sera from mice immunized by catechin-treated FHA or PT were contained antibody against not only catechin-treated but also non-treated FHA or PT. These results suggest that antigenicity of FHA or PT was not destroyed by the treatment with catechin. We prepared pertussis-component vaccines by treatment of several catechins on the condition that FHA or PT activity was not recovered. Higher efficacy were found on the vaccines made by treatment of epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, or epigallocatechin than those by formalin. The vaccine prepared by using epigallocatechin gallate had significant efficacy as well as that by formalin treated one. From these results, it is suggested that tea leaf catechins were effective agents for toxoiding of vaccine components.
- 1998-09-01
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