Hypsizigus marmoreusの抗腫瘍活性(第2報)Lewis肺癌転移抑制効果
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Antitumor activity of Hypsizigus marmoreus, an edible mashroom, was investigated by in vivo bioassay. The aqueous extract, hereinafter referred to as YH, was tested against syngeneic tumor, Lewis lung carcinoma. YH was found to give a significant increase in life span when assayed using a solid tumor, Lewis lung carcinoma, by intraperitoneal administration, but not as much by oral administration. It was also found that YH have an inhibitory activity of spontaneous tumor metastasis in mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma by intraperitoneal administration. YH significantly decreased the number of metastasized nodules. It was suggested by Winn test that antitumor and antimetasatic activities shown by YH was effective in increasing activity on immunological by competent cells.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1997-12-01
池川 哲郎
国立がんセ 研
池川 哲郎
池川 哲郎
斎藤 英晴
松沢 恒友
松澤 恒友
馮 威健
馮 威健
斉藤 英晴
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