1,4-Benzodiazepine系医薬品の酸性水溶液中における挙動(第12報) : 11bメチル置換ベンゾジアゼピノオキサゾール系化合物のプロトン交換反応
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11b-Methyl-2,3,7,11b-tetrahydrooxazolo[3,2-d][1,4]benzodiazepin-6(5H)-one (Ic) and its 2-methyl derivative (Id) were synthesized as model compounds of benzodiazepinooxazole drugs. In methanol-d_4 solution at room temperature, the 11b-methyl protons of Ic and Id underwent exchange reaction with deuterium, and the reactions were investigated kinetically. The reaction was rationalized in terms of an iminium type intermediate which is formed via ring opening of an oxazolidine. The methyl substituent at the 2-position of Id affects markedly the proton exchange rate. The results suggest that the isomerization of oxazolam (Ia) proceeds via a similar intermediate.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1988-07-25
池田 憲
加藤 節子
黒野 幸久
神戸大学 大学院医学系研究科精神神経科学分野
黒野 幸久
名古屋市立大学大学院 薬学研究科 病院薬剤学
池田 憲
八代 有
桑山 知成
Pharmacy, NTT Tokai General Hospital
黒野 幸久
名古屋市立大学 薬
八代 有
桑山 知成
桑山 知成
Pharmacy Ntt Tokai General Hospital
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