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In 1993, there were 18 acute deaths in Japanese patients who had the viral disease herpes zoster and were treated with the new antiviral drug sorivudine (SRV, 1-β-D-arabinofuranosyl-(E)-5-(2-bromovinyl) uracil). All the dead patients had received a 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) prodrug as anticancer chemotherapy concomitant with SRV administration. Studies on toxicokinetics in rats and on hepatic dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD), a rate-limiting enzyme for 5-FU catabolism in rats and humans, strongly suggested that in the patients who received both SRV and the 5-FU prodrug, tissue levels of highly toxic 5-FU markedly increased as a result of irreversible inactivation of DPD in the presence of NADPH by 5-(2-bromovinyl) uracil (BVU), a metabolite formed from SRV by gut flora in rats and humans. Recombinant human (h) DPD was also irreversibly inactivated by [^<14>C] BVU in the presence of NADPH. MALDI-TOF MS analysis of radioactive tryptic fragments from the radiolabeled and inactivated hDPD demonstrated that a Cys residue located at position 671 in the pyrimidine-binding domain of hDPD was modified with an allyl bromide type of reactive metabolite, dihydro-BVU. Thus artificial DPD deficiency caused by BVU from SRV led to patient deaths when coadministered with the 5-FU prodrug. Human population studies using healthy volunteers have demonstrated that there are poor and extensive 5-FU metabolizers who have very low and high DPD activities, respectively. Administration of a clinical dose of 5-FU or its prodrug to poor 5-FU metabolizers may cause death unless DPD activity is determined using their peripheral blood mononuclear cells prior to the administration of the anticancer drug.
- 2002-08-01
渡部 烈
小倉 健一郎
西山 貴仁
渡部 烈
東京薬大 薬
西山 貴仁
小倉 健一郎
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