上水道環境における^<90>Sr, ^<106>Ru, ^<137>Cs, ^<144>Ceの挙動に関する研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to examine radioecologically behavior of radionuclides in environment of water supply, levels of radionuclides in the soil, raw water from river and its suspension, river bottom sediment, and water supplied for drinking were quantitatively investigated, and then various aspects on transfer of radionuclides in the land, river, and water works were hydrometeorologically analyzed. On three basins, Agano, Edo, and Yodo River, movements of ^<106>Ru, ^<137>Cs and ^<144>Ce were derived from data of ^<90>Sr. ^<90>Sr was removable compared with other radionuclides in various samples. The following equations were established by the regression analysis between "ratio on each of the radionuclides to ^<90>Sr" in soil (Rd) and that of river bottom sediment (RBS), between Rd and that in river water with suspension (R[W+S]), and between radionuclides concentration in the river water (C ; pCi/100 liter) and weight of the river suspension (S ; gr. of ash/100 liter). [numerical formula] Coefficients a_1 and b_1 were 8.46-1.35 and 2.35-0.62 for ^<106>Ru, 4.14-0.989 and 2.58-0.31 for ^<144>Ce, and 2.80-0.836 and 3.49-0.879 for ^<137>Cs, respectively. The a_2 and b_2 for ^<137>Cs were 0.085-0.055 and 0.26-0.19. The a_3 and b_3 in the Agano River were 0.00229 and 1.49 for ^<90>Sr, and 0.0229 and 0.64 for ^<137>Cs. These data indicated that the degree of deposition to the soil, adsorption, and absorption to the river bottom of ^<106>Ru, ^<137>Cs and ^<144>Ce are higher than those of ^<90>Sr, in the following order : ^<106>Ru>^<144>Ce>^<137>Cs>^<90>Sr. As for the pathway of contamination, part of ^<90>Sr is soluble and most of ^<106>Ru, ^<137>Cs and ^<144>Ce is insoluble in the river, and a part of these radionuclides exists in the river suspension and considerable amounts of ^<106>Ru, ^<137>Cs and ^<144>Ce are precipitated on the river bottom. It was observed on the decontamination rates (DR%) of radionuclides in the water works that the greater the content of the suspension increases, the higher DR become. The correlation of DR and S was shown by the following equation. [numerical formula] The coefficient a_4 was 0.0462 for ^<137>Cs in the Niitsu City water works, Agano River basin. During 1962 to 1969,DR in the three water works were observed as 50% for ^<106>Ru, 48% for ^<144>Ce, 31% for ^<137>Cs, and 15% for ^<90>Sr in average value.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1973-12-31
湯川 雅枝
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