界面活性剤を用いる乳製品中の脂肪定量法(第7報) : バブコック法への界面活性剤の使用
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A new detergent method using Babcock's test bottle for estimating fat content in milk products was investigated. The volume each component in the detergent reagent, consisting of Tween 80,sodium salicylate, and amyl alcohol, to be added to milk and ice cream was determined, the fat content obtained being compared with those obtained by the detergent method already reported and Rose-Gottlieb's method. The fat content in milk products estimated by this method was the same as that obtained by the Rose-Gottlieb's method.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1971-08-31
可児 利朗
国立公衆衛生院 衛生薬学部
吉田 和夫
Daiichi College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
飯野 信子
Daiichi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
吉田 和夫
山本 郁男
小西 鉄朗
緒方 昇
町原 籌夫
上山 荘二
加原 憲男
可児 利朗
- 〔IV〕乳および乳製品の偽和の鑑識について : thermistor cryoscopy;による加水薄層クロマトグラフィーによるしょ糖およびぶどう糖;拡散法および蒸留法によるアンモニウム塩の検出(食品の真贋判定方法 : 第11回日本薬学会関東支部大会)
- 新睡眠薬及び睡眠薬拮抗物質の探索研究から睡眠機構研究に辿りつくまで : バルビツール酸からウリジンまで(その1)
- Chromatography of β-Glucuronidase from Bovine Liver. A Study of the Enzyme Binding Sites of Prepared Adsorbents
- Properties of β-Glucuronidase Bound to p-Aminophenyl 1-Thio-β-D-glucopyranosiduronic Acid-CH-Sepharose 4B
- Possible Role of Cytochrome P-448 in the O-Deethylation of p-Nitrophenetole by Rat Liver Microsomes
- Affinity Chromatography of Rabbit Liver β-Glucuronidase
- Sulfanilamideの代謝物および関連化合物の抗原性に関する実験的研究
- Oxidative Cleavage of the 1,2-Linkage of 2,3-Disubstituted-4 (3H)-quinazolinone with Hydrogen Peroxide
- Syntheses of Halogen Substituted Indolyl β-D-Glucuronides and Their Hydrolysis by Rabbit Liver β-Glucuronidase
- Studies on the Mechanism of Drug Allergy to Sulfanilamides. I. A Colorimetric Method for the Determination of 4-Hydroxylamino-benzenesulfonamide in Biological Materials with Sodium Pentacyanoammineferroate
- 界面活性剤を用いる乳製品中の脂肪定量法(第7報) : バブコック法への界面活性剤の使用
- AlkylおよびAryl HexopyranosideならびにHexofuranosideのマススペクトル
- Transfer Reaction of β-D-Glycofuranose by β-Glycosidase
- Synthesis of β-D-Galactofuranosides and Their Behavior toward β-Galactosidase
- Hydrolysis of Aryl β-D-Glucofuranoside by Almond Emulsin β-Glucosidase
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLIII. Comparison of Glucuronyl Transfer Activity between β-Glucuronidase and Uridine Diphosphate Transglucuronylase.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLII. Isolation of Ester Glucuronides of p-Aminosalicylic Acid and Salicylic Acid from the Urine of Rabbits.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLVI. Behavior of 2-Naphthyl β-D-Glucofuranosiduronic Acid toward β-Glucuronidase.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLV. Synthesis of 2-Naphthyl β-D-Glucofuranosiduronic Acid.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLIV. Glucuronyl Transfer Reaction catalyzed by β-Glucuronidase by the Use of Ester Glucuronides as Substrates.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XXXIV. Studies on the Ring Structure of p-Aminobenzoyl Glucuronide isolated from the Urine of Dog administered with p-Aminobenzoic Acid. (2).
- Metabolism of Drugs. XXXIII. Studies on the Ring Structure of p-Aminobenzoyl Glucuronide isolated from the Urine of Dog administered with p-Aminobenzoic Acid. (1).
- 77. サルファ剤による薬剤アレルギーの発症機序に関する研究 (第8報) : スルファニルアミドおよびその代謝物の皮膚反応による抗原性の検討(薬アレルギー)
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- 339.肥料試験収穫物中のビタミン含有量について(第4報)(作物栄養)
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- 76. サルファ剤による薬剤アレルギー発症機序に関する研究 (第7報) : スルファニルアミドおよびその代謝物と蛋白質との結合性(薬アレルギー)
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