酵素剤の研究XXI : 抗胆汁性リパーゼの研究(その2) : Mucor属の産生するリパーゼについて
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Recently the enzymes produced by microorganisms have been studied or used. However, most of microbial lipases were inhibited by bile juice. Therefore, filamentous fungi producing bile sensitive lipase were screened. From the screening, a species of Mucor which produced strong bile sensitive lipase was cultivated aerobically. Lipase with high activity was obtained from the filtered broth. Pharmaceutical studies were made on the lipase. The optimum pH of this preparation for digestion was 7.0 and very strong digestive activity was shown between pH 5 and pH 8. The stability of the lipase activity in various pH solution was good between pH 4 and pH 8. When heated in a dry state, the activity of the preparation was more stable than that of pancreatic lipase. At 20℃ with relative humidity of 75% and at 30℃ with a relative humidity of 92%, the preparation retained stronger activity than pancreatic lipase. The digestive activity of the preparation was activated with calcium chloride and quinine sulfate, but greatly inhibited with heavy metal ions, and slightly with sodium cyanate and sodium fluoride. As to the substrate specificity of the preparation strong lipase activity was exhibited on tripropionin, tributyrin, olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil and tween 20,but was not enough on trimyristin, tristearin and triacetin.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1967-10-30
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