- 論文の詳細を見る
Viral infection due to transfusion has been the root of various diseases, primarily hepatitis. The discovery and prompt removal of the causative virus have been very effective in the eradication of such disease. After the isolation of the HBV and the establishment of methods for testing it, screening of donated blood was enforced, and then the incidence of hepatitis B decreased dramatically. Before 1963,post transfusion hepatitis (PTH) incidence in Japan was approximately 50%. Prior to HBs Antigen screening by the Japan Red Cross Blood Center the incidence of PTH accounted for about 16%. At present, it accounts for only 0.5%. HBIG (hepatitis B immunoglobulin) and HB vaccine have been efficacious in the prophylaxis of infection after incidental exposure to infectious blood and in infants born from HBV carrier mathers. From 1980s, ATL (adult T cell leukemia) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) have also become problematic diseases. In November of 1986,screening with anti-HTLV-I (human T cell Leukemia virus) antibody and anti-HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) antibody started at blood centers. However, as we did not know the existence of AIDS until 1981,we can not rule out the possibility that an unknown virus is yet present in the blood. Therefore, all blood and serum must be handled as if they are capable of transmitting infectious agents.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1990-10-31
- 尿中HIV抗体検査の臨床的有用性に関する研究-全国11施設による協同研究-
- B型肝炎ウイルスの不活性化
- 血漿中のHIV定量と意義
- 5ヵ月長男のAIDS発症をきっかけに明らかとなったHIVの家族感染例
- HIV抗体検査法とRNA定量法
- Transfusion-transmitted HIV
- Microplate Hybridization法によるHIV遺伝子の検出
- サブタイプOおよびHIV検査の問題点
- HIV感染の検査法
- 血液伝播ウイルスとその感染予防対策
- エイズのプロフィ-ル (エイズの現在)
- 院内感染防止対策--血液から感染するウイルス,特にB型肝炎,AIDSについて (院内感染はいま)
- HBs Antigen and Antibody Survey on Human Fibrinogen Preparations in Japan
- 輸血によるウイルス感染症 (ウイルスと臨床医学との新しいかかわりあい(日本医学会第79回日本医学会シンポジウム)〔含 質疑応答〕) -- (診断・疫学)
- 発展途上国(アジア,アフリカ)における実態 (特集 HIV感染の現状と今後) -- (最近における疫学的感染状況)
- エイズ・その他血液を介するウイルス感染症の最近の話題