陰膳方式による日常食品からの各種化学物質の1日摂取量調査(第1報) : 金属摂取量と地域差
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The daily intake of 10 kinds of metals in meals collected from 25 women living in and around Sendai and from 27 women in Okinawa, was analysed through the duplicate portion method. Results are given below ; 1) The daily intake of contaminated metals, Cd and Pb, was insignificant. 2) The daily intake of Mg and K was above the requirement for all women. 3) The average daily intake of Zn was above the requirement. However, the percentages of women in Sendai and Okinawa who fell below this requirement were 32.0% and 11.1%, respectively. 4) The daily intake of Cu, Fe, Ca and Mg was below the requirement level for most of women. 5) The percentage of women whose daily intake of Na was above the desirable intake was 20.0% for Sendai and 14.8% for Okinawa. 6) Regional differences between Sendai and Okinawa of the daily intake of metals were analyzed. It was found that the intake of Pb was higher for Sendai (p<0.05), whereas the intake of Zn and Ca was higher for Okinawa (Zn ; p<0.05,Ca ; p<0.01). There were no obvious differences found for other metals analyzed. Concentration of Na was found to be higher for Sendai (p<0.05).
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1989-04-30
高畑 寿太郎
玉川 勝美
玉川 勝美
三島 靖子
高畑 寿太郎
広島 紀以子
関 敏彦
角田 行
三島 靖子
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