- 論文の詳細を見る
The incorporation of ^<14>CCl_4 into hepatic protein and its metabolites in the urine were investigated after the oral administration of ^<14>CCl_4 to rat and the following results were obtaind. 1) After the oral administration of ^<14>CCl_4,2.7% and 3.6% of dosed ^<14>C-radioactivity was excreted in the urine of 24 and 120 h, respectively. 2) 21.9% and 1.9% of the whole urinary radioactivity were in the form of urea and hippuric acid, respectively. In the radioactive hippuric acid, the benzoic acid moiety was labeled with ^<14>C. 3) Among the liver cell fractions obtained 6 h after the oral administration, the ratio of specific radioactivities per weight of protein in nucleus, mitochondria, microsome and cytosol was about 1 : 1 : 3.5 : 2. As the result of dialysis of cytosol, 51.1% of the whole radioactivity was found to be bound to protein. 4) In the reaction mixture of in vitro metabolic experiment by using liver homogenate, radioactive benzoic acid was identified by the isotope dilution method and a peak corresponding to hippuric acid was observed on its TLC. 5) From the results mentioned above, it is assumed that radioactive benzoic acid, a precursor of hippuric acid found in the rat urine, might be originated from binding of ^<14>C-labeled active metabolite of CCl_4 to protein and secondly from liberating in phenyl-carboxyl form by the degradation of protein.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1988-08-30
中浜 隆之
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toho University
浦久保 五郎
高橋 昇司
中浜 隆之
永松 国助
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