- 論文の詳細を見る
Neutron activation analysis is one of the best multielement analytical techniques and has been applied to the problem of forensic sciene. There are mainly two areas of application in forensic chemistry. The first is a multi-element analysis for the purpose of identifying a sample with its soure or origin by comparison of trace element patterns, for example, to determine the origin of opiums and cannabis. Trace characterization of a synthetic drug such as methamphetamine hydorchloride was achieved by this method and synthetic method of the drug was also assumed. Hair samples were analyzed for the purpose of monitering the environmental polution. In certain case, these data would be useful in the crime investigation. The second is its straightforward use as a method of trace element concentration determination, for example, in toxicology to detect arsenic or mercury in biological samples. It permitted interference-free analyses of trace amounts of halogens, germanium, and serenium. In the case work studies, detective analysis was another application of neutron activation analysis, because it could be determined both expected and unexpected elements in the physical evidence.
- 1986-10-31
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