水道の浄水処理過程におけるトリハロメタンの生成(パネルディスカッション トリハロメタンの生成機構をめぐって)(第8回環境汚染物質とそのトキシコロジーシンポジウム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The formation of trihalomethanes in the water treatment process starts directly after the injection of chlorine, and it increases with the passage of time. A seasonal change was recognized with a large formation quantity at a high water temperature in summer and a low one at a low water temperature in winter. The color component in the raw water of the Yodo-river is mainly fulvic acid, and as the formation potential increases with increasing turbidity from the runoff, it can be assumed that the trihalomethane precursors in the Yodo-river are mainly humines. The form of residual chlorine is very important for the trihalomethane formation reaction. Formation occurs in the presence of free chlorine, while trihalomethanes are not formed with monochloramine. When chlorination of humines together with ammonia nitrogen is executed, reaction occurs first with ammonia rather than with humines, and monochloramine is formed. However, at the ratio of the chlorine-ammonia forming dichloramine, the reaction speed of chlorine and humic acid is as fast as that of monochloramine with chlorine for the formation of dichloramine, so that the formation of trihalomethanes occurs. The reaction speed, however, is slower than that of free chlorine.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1982-02-28
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