Detection of Internal and External Methamphetamine in Human Hair by Ion Mobility Spectrometry
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Internal and external methamphetamine (MA) was detected from human hair using ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). Direct IMS monitoring without any sample preparation proved to be effective only to detect MA from externally contaminated hair. The detection limit of external MA was 0.5 ng/mg by direct IMS monitoring when the sample amount was 1.0 mg. To detect MA incorporated in the hair, the authors measured MA users' hair samples by IMS after pulverization or digestion. Pulverized samples gave only moderate sensitivity for the detection of MA in the hair. Digestion of the hair sample with 5 M NaOH (methanol-water, 4 : 1) prior to IMS measurement was very effective to identify MA incorporated in the hair, and the drug was semi-quantitatively detected by this method. The detection limit of MA was 0.5 ng/mg with 2.0 mg of hair sample. Using a combination of the digestion method and direct IMS monitoring, the authors were able to distinguish between MA externally contaminating hair and MA incorporated in a user's hair. It was demonstrated using MA users' hair samples that the results obtained by the digestion method were in good agreement with the GC-MS results. Our method was also successfully applied to a limited amount of MA user's hair sample.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1997-02-28
土橋 均
土橋 均
関西医科大学 法医
片木 宗弘
西川 真弓
片木 宗弘
Forensic Science Laboratory, Osaka Prefectural Police H.Q.
西川 眞弓
Forensic Science Laboratory, Osaka Prefectural Police H.Q.
辰野 道昭
Forensic Science Laboratory, Osaka Prefectural Police H.Q.
土橋 均
Forensic Science Laboratory, Osaka Prefectural Police H.Q.
三木 昭宏
Forensic Science Laboratory, Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters
Institute for Forensic Medicine, University of Berne
Institute for Forensic Medicine, University of Berne
Institute for Forensic Medicine, University of Berne
KIM Lena
Switzerland, Barringer Research, Ltd.
畑野 茂和
Canada and Takasago Research & Development Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
辰野 道昭
大阪府警察本部 科学捜査研
Kim Lena
Switzerland Barringer Research Ltd.
Keller Thomas
Institute For Forensic Medicine University Of Berne
Keller T
Univ. Berne Berne Che
Bernhard Werner
Institute For Forensic Medicine University Of Berne
Regenscheit Prisca
Institute For Forensic Medicine University Of Berne
畑野 茂和
Canada And Takasago Research & Development Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
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