- 論文の詳細を見る
Amongst other examples of modern technology, mass spectrometry (MS) has made extraordinary progress in the last decade in terms of sensitivity, precision and the possible range of mass measurement, progress which could not be foreseen ten years ago. Starting in 1970,a method after the method of ionization was rapidly developed in tandem with dramatic improvements and innovations in MS equipment, as a result of which the range of applications of mass spectrometry has expanded exponentially, allowing MS to assume very important new roles in various fields of the life sciences, including medicine, pharmacy and environmental chemistry. One of the most outstanding developments in MS in recent years is the ability to measure non-volatile substances such as protein, nucleic acid, glycolipids, polysaccharide, and high polarity macromolecules. The most important contribution in this development come mostly from fast atom bombardment (FAB) ionization, the latest state-of-the-art ionization methods such as electrospray (ES) ionization or ionspray (IS) ionization, new range of mass spectrometric methodology, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS). This review centers on an outline of the mass spectrometry of non-volatile, high polarity macromolecules, concentrating on FAB, ES, IS, MS/MS and TOF-MS.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-08-31
- ガスクロマトグラフィー/マススペクトロメトリーによって診断されたオロット酸尿症の黒毛和種牛の1例(内科学)
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- マススペクトロメトリーの今昔
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- 質量分析を用いる新しい化学診断法
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- 心不全における尿中および血中カルニチン動態について : 経時的変化を中心に : 日本循環器学会第67回北陸地方会
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- l-カルニチンによる慢性心不全の治療(日本循環器学会 第70回北陸地方会)
- 216 妊娠中に発見された3-メチルグルタコン酸尿症の2例 : 世界最初の成人例の報告
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- 241.出生前診断のためのガスクロマト : 質量分析計 : コンピューター(GC-MS-COM)システムによる羊水分析(第2報) : 第65群診断検査法III
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- 276.出生前診断のためのガスクロマトー質量分析計コンピューター(GC-MS-COM)システムによる羊水分析(第1報) : 第51群 診断・検査 産科 その1
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- 45 ヒト卵胞液中におけるアミノ酸および有機酸の動態
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