Intracellular pH Regulation of Newborn Rat Skin Basal Cells
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The regulation of intracellular pH (pH_i) was examined in newborn rat skin basal cells. When basal cells were acid-loaded by externally applied weak acid or by pretreatment with NH^+_4,the pH_i recovered toward its resting value. This recovery was accompanied by Na^+ influx and H^+ efflux. The recovery of pH_i and concomitant Na^+/H^+ fluxes were reversibly inhibited by amiloride. Other ionic flux inhibitors 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS) and furosemide slightly inhibited the pH_i recovery from an acid load. The recovery rate from an acid load depended on the concentration of the external Na^+. Li^+ could substitute for Na^+ in the pH_i recovery, but K^+ had no effect on the recovery.The keratin synthesis of basal cells was decreased by amiloride, and this decrement was deduced to be due to the acidification of the intracellular space. Although ascorbic acid had no effect on the pH_i recovery of basal cells, it enhanced the keratin synthesis of the cells. Moreover, an inhibitor of the collagen synthesis, cis-hydroxyproline, suppressed the keratin synthesis but had no effect on the pH_i recovery. We therefore believe that the keratin synthesis of the cells was also regulated by the environment, which was formed by the synthesized collagen.Thus, the pH_i in the skin basal cells was regulated by the amiloride-sensitive exchange system, and this system seems to be involved in the keratin synthesis.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1996-12-15
寺田 弘
Terada H
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Terada H
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
TERADA Hiroshi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokushima
Ohkura Kazuto
Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Science, Nagoya University
Ohkura Kazuto
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences Faculty Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Ohkura Kazuto
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences Faculty Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University:faculty
Terada Hiroshi
Faculcv Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
寺田 弘
Fac. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo Univ. Of Sci.
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