Nephrotoxicity Induced by Adenine and Its Analogs : Relationship between Structure and Renal Injury
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Twenty-four adenine analogs were administered to mice and the relationship between the structure of analogs and the occurrence of renal injury was examined. Plasma urea nitrogen (UN) and creatinine levels were measured 24h after oral administration of analogs. Both levels increased in the adenine-, 8-azaadenine-, isoguanine-, or 6-dimethyl aminopurine (6-DMAP)-administered group, but did not increase in the other analog groups. From light microscopy, the damages of tubuli, mainly of proximal tubuli, were observed in the kidneys of these four groups. The common property of these compounds is the strong basicity of nitrogen which binds the 6-position of the purine ring. Furthermore, UN and creatinine increas-ed time-dependently with intravenous administration of isoguanine. When adenine was intravenously administered, UN slightly increased at 1 h, but creatinine was unchanged. No changes were observed in the 6-DMAP-or 8-azaadenine-administered group. The basicity of nitrogen which binds to the 6-position of the purine ring is thus considered to be related to the occurrence of renal injury with oral administration, and isoguanine has high affinity with the kidney.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-08-15
Okazaki Yuko
Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
南 武志
南 武志
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
高橋 学
Faculty Of Phamaceutical Sciences Kinki University
門田 永治
Division Of Pathology Kishiwada Municipal Hospital
岡崎 雄交
並川 清博
並川 清博
Faculty of Phamaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
中川 裕文
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
鍋島 政義
Division of Pathology, Ohno Memorial Hospital
川木 秀子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
岡崎 雄交
近畿大 薬
南 武志
Okazaki Y
Faculty Of Phamaceutical Sciences Kinki University
中川 裕文
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
川木 秀子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
鍋島 政義
Division Of Pathology Ohno Memorial Hospital
並川 清博
近畿大 薬
Okazaki Yuko
Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University
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