Studies on Cytochrome P450 Responsible for Oxidative Metabolism of Imipramine in Human Liver Microsomes
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The activity of imipramine 2-hydroxylase highly correlated with that of desipramine 2-hydroxylase but not with that of desipramine N-demethylase. The correlation was also found between N-demethylation and 2-hydroxylation when imipramine was used as a substrate, whereas no correlation was observed between them when desipramine was used in place of imipramine. Both activities of desipramine and imipramine 2-hydroxylase were markedly inhibited by quinidine but not by quinine. Although the activity of imipramine N-demethylase was slightly inhibited by both quinidine and quinine, the activity of desipramine N-demethylase was unaffected under the same conditions. The activity of imipramine N-demethylase was roughly correlated with the amounts of P450 3A4 immunochemically determined and the activities of testosterone 6β-hydroxylase in human liver microsomes. The P450 3A4 catalyzed imipramine N-demethylation much more efficiently than 2-hydroxylation in a reconstituted system, whereas neither N-demethylation nor 2-hydroxylation of desipramine was catalyzed by P450 3A4. The activity of imipramine N-demethylase was inhibited, to various extents, by anti-P450 3A4 antibodies in human liver microsomes.Taking together these and other results, it is suggested that P450 3A4,other than P450 2Cmp, also partly contributes to N-demethylation of imipramine, depending on human liver microsomes.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-06-15
大森 栄
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University
力久 忠昭
木内 政寛
北田 光一
Division of Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Chiba University Hospital
木内 政寛
Department of Legal Medicine, School of Medicine, Chiba University
武田 俊祐
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
力久 忠昭
Division of Pharmacy, Chiba University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chiba University
金久保 好男
Division of Pharmacy, Chiba University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chiba University
金久保 好男
東邦大 薬
Kiuchi Masahiro
Department Of Legal Medicine Chiba University School Of Medicine
金久保 好男
Division Of Pharmacy Chiba University Hospital Faculty Of Medicine Chiba University
武田 俊祐
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University
木内 政寛
Department of Legal Medicine Chiba University School of Medicine
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