Stability of Solid Dosage Forms. I. Hydrolysis of Meclofenoxate Hydrochloride in the Solid State
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The kinetics of hydrolysis of mechlofenoxate hydrochloride (MF-HCl) into p-chloro-phenoxyacetic acid (CPA) and dimethylaminoethanol hydrochloride (DMAE-HCl) in the solid state were studied with respect to the effect of temperature (50 to 80℃) and humidity (20 to 80%RH). The degradation ratio, χ at the initial stage could be correlated to time by the equation χ=kt_n where k and n are parameters. The degradation at the later stage was found to conform to first-order kinetics. The following mechanism is proposed : at a humidity below the CRH of MF-HCl, water vapor initiates the hydrolysis of MF-HCl into CPA and DMAEHCl on the surface of the solid by a gas-solid reaction. Once DMAE-HCl is produced, water starts to be adsorbed and forms a sorbed moisture layer, in which intact MF-HCl dissolves, diffuses and decomposes. After being completely dissolved, MF-HCl decomposes in an apparent first-order reaction. At a humidity above CRH, on the other hand, water is adsorbed rapidly on the surface of the solid and MF-HCl appears to decompose in solution from the beginning. The decomposition is not a first-order reaction because of the incompleteness of the dissolution and diffusion at the initial stage, but becomes first-order at the later stage.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1982-10-25
江島 昭
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
柴崎 利雄
National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
吉岡 澄江
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
吉岡 澄江
Drug Division, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
柴崎 利雄
Drug Division, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
江島 昭
Drug Division, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
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