Thiol Compounds. I. Synthesis and Antihypertensive Activity of Mercaptoacylamino Acids
- 論文の詳細を見る
A series of mercaptoacylamino acids was synthesized and screened as angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitors. The inhibitory activities of these compounds were compared with that of (2S)-1-[(2S)-3-mercapto-2-methylpropanoyl] proline. The structureactivity relationship of the compounds is discussed.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1981-01-25
大矢 正雪
Research Laboratory Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
船江 良彦
Osaka City Univ. Medical School Osaka Jpn
船江 良彦
Research Laboratory Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.:(present Address)laboratory Of Chemistry And Depa
松本 順三
Research Laboratory, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
高階 秀男
Research Laboratory, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
岩尾 順一
Research Laboratory, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
岩尾 順一
Central Research Laboratories Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
高階 秀男
松本 順三
Research Laboratory Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
船江 良彦
Laboratory Of Chemistry Osaka City University Medical School
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