Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Shoma." X. Three New Trinor-9,19-cyclolanostanol Xylosides, Cimicifugosides H-3,H-4 and H-6,from Cimicifuga Rhizome and Transformation of Cimicifugoside H-1 into Cimicifugosides H-2,H-3 and H-4
- 論文の詳細を見る
Three trinor-triterpenol glycosides were isolated from a batch of commercial Cimicifuga Rhizome : cimicifugoside H-3 (1), C_<32>H_<48>O_9,mp 249-251 ℃, [α]_D -22.3°, cimicifugoside H-4 (2), C_<32>H_<48>O_9,mp 265-267 ℃, [α]_D -75.0°, and cimicifugoside H-6 (3), C_<32>H<48>O_<10>, mp 275-276 ℃, [α]_D -64.3°, On the basis of chemical and spectral data, the structure of 1 was proposed to be 11β, 24-dihydroxy-3β-(β-D-xylopyranosyloxy)-25,26,27-trinor-9,19-cyclolanost-7-ene-16,23-dione. Cimicifugoside H-4 (2), 11β, 16α, 24α-trihydroxy-3β-(β-D-xylopyranosyloxy)-25,26,27-trinor-9,19 : 16,24-dicyclolanost-7-en-23-one, seems to be generated from intramolecular aldol condensation between C-16 and C-24 of 1. Cimicifugoside H-6 (3) is the 15α-hydroxy derivative of 2. Cimicifugoside H-2 (5), which has already been obtained from cimicifugoside H-1 (4) under an acidic condition, was found to give 1,2 and an α-hydroxy enone (2a) under an alkaline condition.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1995-09-15
桜井 信子
永井 正博
永井 正博
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
桜井 信子
永井 正博
小枝 守
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hoshi University
青木 芳延
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hoshi University
桜井 信子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hoshi University
永井 正博
永井 正博
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo:(present Addresses)hoshi College Of Pharmacy
Aoki Y
Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Sakurai N
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University
Koeda M
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University
小枝 守
Faculty Of Phrmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University
- N-カフェオイルアミノ酸類の血管平滑筋弛緩作用
- Cimicifuga属植物の成分研究(第12報)Acerinolの構造改訂と関連化合物の構造
- Cimicifuga属植物の成分研究(第11報)Dahurinol, Dehydroxyahurinol, Isodahurinol, 25-O-Methylisodahurinolの単離と立体構造
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVIII. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Stereochemistry of the Sapogenin of Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2 and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVII. The Acid Catalyzed Reactions and the Absolute Configuration at C_ of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVI. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng. The Absolute Configurations of Cinenic Acid and Panaxadiol
- 27 薬用人参のサポニンの化学的研究 : 真性サポゲニンの問題とginsenoside-Rg_1の構造
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVI. The Stereochemistry of Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng
- 35 Dammarane系Triterpene,Protopanaxadiol,Betulafolienetriolの側鎖の立体化学
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. XII. Panaxadiol, A Sapogenin of Ginseng Roots. (2).
- 25.薬用人參の成分研究 : Panaxadiolの構造
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. V. Two Diarylheptanoid Glycosides and an Arylbutanol Apiosylglucoside from Acer nikoense
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. IV. Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Acerogenin A, Rhododendrol and Related Compounds, and Structure of Aceroside IV from Acer nikoense
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. III. Strucure of Acerogenin B from Acer nikoense MAXIM.
- 38 メグスリノキより得られる2つの新しいヘテロサイド : diarylheptanolとarylbutanolのapiosylglucosides
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. II. Structure of Aceroside I, a Glucoside of a Novel Cyclic Diarylheptanoid from Acer nikoense MAXIM.
- カエデ科植物の成分研究(第1報)メグスリノキの葉および樹皮の成分
- ヤチヤナギからの新規トリテルペノイドMyricalactone及び数種のトリテルペノイド
- A New Lignan, (-)-Berchemol, from Berchemia racemosa
- キクニガナ及びスギナより得られたカフェー酸エステルの血管平滑筋弛緩作用
- 生薬升麻の基源であるサラシナショウマ属及び近縁植物の成分
- Diarylheptanoids from Myrica gale var. tomentosa and Revised Structure of Porson
- Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Shoma." X. Three New Trinor-9,19-cyclolanostanol Xylosides, Cimicifugosides H-3,H-4 and H-6,from Cimicifuga Rhizome and Transformation of Cimicifugoside H-1 into Cimicifugosides H-2,H-3 and H-4
- Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Shoma". IX. Three Novel Cyclolanostanol Xylosides, Cimicifugosides H-1,H-2 and H-5,from Cimicifuga Rhizome
- 実験的肝障害に対するクマヤナギの防護効果
- Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Shoma." VIII. Two New Triterpenol Bisdesmosides, 3-Arabinosyl-24-O-acetylhydroshengmanol 15-Glucoside and 3-Xylosyl-24-O-acetylhydroshengmanol 15-Glucoside, from Cimicifuga dahurica
- Studies on the Constituents of Beesia calthaefolia and Souliea vaginata. IV. Beesioside I, a Cyclolanostanol Xyloside from the Rhizomes of Beesia calthaefolia
- 実験的肝障害に対する楊梅皮の防護効果(生薬学)
- Berchemolide, a Novel Dimeric Vanillic Acid Glucoside from Berchemia racemosa
- 各種生薬メタノールエキスのラット四塩化炭素肝障害防護効力
- 放射線障害防護薬剤に関する研究(第30報)川〓中の放射線障害防護物質
- 放射線障害防護薬剤に関する研究(第26報)放射線皮膚障害に対する各種生薬の防護効果
- Constituents of Myrica rubra. III. : Structures of Two Glycosides of Myricanol
- 放射線障害防護薬剤に関する研究(第25報)生薬類の放射線障害防護効力
- Studies on the Constituents of Beesia calthaefolia and Souliea vaginata. II. : Beesioside II, a Cyclolanostanol Xyloside from Rhizomes of Beesia calthaefolia
- 放射線障害防護薬剤に関する研究(第24報)四物湯の放射線障害防護効力
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. VII. : Diarylheptanoids from Acer griseum and Acer triflorum
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. VI. : Revised Stereochemistry of (-)-Centrolobol, and New Glycosides from Acer nikoense
- ^C-核磁気共鳴スペクトルにおけるオルト置換フェノールのO-メチル化効果(第2報)
- O-Methylation Effect on the Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signals of ortho-Disubstituted Phenols and Its Application to Structure Determination of New Phthalides from Aspergillus silvaticus
- Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Study. Effect of O-Methylation of ortho-Substituted Phenols on the Aryl Carbon Shielding and Its Application to Interpretation of the Spectra of Some Flavonoids
- Protosappanin A, a Novel Biphenyl Compound from Sappan Lignum
- 蘇木からBrazilinの生合成前駆体といわれるSappanchalconeの分離
- カシワバハグマの苦味成分 : Glucozaluzanin C
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. XII. Two New Diarylheptanoid Glycosides from Acer triflorum
- 生薬「升麻」に関する研究(第7報)北升麻および同属近縁植物からの真正配糖体Acetyl Shengmanol Xyloside, 24-O-Acetylhydroshengmanol XylosideおよびShengmanol Xylosideの単離と定量
- 生薬「升麻」に関する研究(第6報)サラシナショウマ属トリテルペン配糖体の新しい真正配糖体Shengmanol Xyloside
- Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Shoma."V. Structures of 24-O-Acetylhydroshengmanol Xyloside and 22-Hydroxycimigenol Xyloside
- ナガバノコウヤボウキから得られるセスキテルペノイドと青葉アルコール配糖体及びコウヤボウキのセスキテルペン配糖体
- Triterpenes of Japanese White Birch and the Configuration at C-24 of Ocotillol II and Its Related Compounds
- 連翹より得られたForsythiasideの血管平滑筋弛緩作用
- Studies on the Constituents of Aceraceae Plants. XI. Two Types of Cyclic Diarylheptanoid from Acer nikoense
- 知母のサポニン成分について
- Protosappanins E-1 and E-2,Stereoisomeric Dibenzoxocins Combined with Brazilin from Sappan Ligunm
- New Glucosides of a 4-Hydroxy-5-methylcoumarin and a Dihydro-α-pyrone from Gerbera jamesonii hybrida
- Cyanogenic Glycosides and 4-Hydroxycoumarin Glycosides from Gerbera jamesonii hybrida
- 天然由来のフェノールカルボン酸類の血管平滑筋弛緩作用について (第15回天然薬物の開発と応用シンポジウム講演要旨集) -- (一般講演)
- 楊梅皮のDiarylheptanoid
- 第22回天然有機化合物討論会
- ムラサキシキブおよびオオムラサキシキブ葉から4′, 5,6,7-Tetramethoxyflavoneの分離
- Studies on the Constituents of Saxifragaceous Plants. I. Two Triterpene Acids of Peltoboykinia tellimoides (MAXIM.) HARA
- Monoterpenoid Glucosides of Cnidium monnieri Fruit
- Monoterpenoid Polyols in Fruit of Cnidium monnieri
- Bitter Principles of Pertya glabrescens : Two Sesquiterpene Glucosides
- New Sesquiterpene Dilactone from Pertya glabrescens
- Two Glycosides of a Novel Dammarane Alcohol from Gynostemma pentaphyllum
- カシワバハグマの新四環性トリテルペンおよび近縁植物のトリテルペン成分
- 過ヨード酸およびシクロヘキシルアミンによる配糖体の加水分解法およびその糖部-非糖部結合決定の可能性
- 生薬「升麻」の薬理学的研究(第3報)サラシナショウマの中枢抑制作用ならびに鎮痙作用
- 生薬「升麻」の薬理学的研究(第2報) : サラシナショウマの抗炎症作用
- Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Shoma." IV. Structure of Acetyl Shengmanol Xyloside, a Probable Precursor of some Known Cimicifuga Glycosides
- Acetyl Shengmanol, a Possible Parental Triterpene Acetate of Cimigenol and Cimigol from Cimicifuga japonica
- 生薬「升麻」に関する研究(第3報)イヌショウマのトリテルペン配糖体および25-Anhydrocimigenol Arabinosideの構造
- イチジク葉の血圧下降成分
- シラカンバ葉の成分について
- センボンヤリの4-ヒドロキシクマリン配糖体
- メグスリノキ樹皮のラット四塩化炭素肝障害に対する防護効果
- カエデ科植物の成分研究(第7報) : メゲスリノキ心材のクマリノリゲナンについて