Pharmacologically Active Components of Todopon Puok (Fagraea racemosa), a Medicinal Plant from Borneo
- 論文の詳細を見る
The lignans of (+)-pinoresinol, (+)-epipinoresinol, (+)-lariciresinol and (+)-isolariciresinol together with phenols such as syringaldehyde and 7,8-dihydro-7-oxy-coniferyl alcohol were isolated from Todopon Puok (Fagraea racemosa JACK ex WALL.), a medicinal plant from Borneo, using a bioassay of the relaxation effect on norepinephrine (NE)-induced contraction in rat aortic strips. The plant extract also exhibited analgesic properties in the acetic acid-induced writhing and tail perssure tests in mice, with the activity being concentrated in the lignan fraction. (+)-Pinoresinol showed analgesic effect on writhing symptoms in mice which were dose-dependent, and produced local anesthesia in guinea pigs.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1995-12-15
奥山 恵美
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
山崎 幹夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
奥山 恵美
山崎 幹夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University
鈴村 邦治
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
奥山 恵美
千葉大学 院薬
鈴村 邦治
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Ibaraki Jpn
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