Studies on Whisker Growth in Solid Preparations. VI. Whisker Growth in Mixtures Composed of Aspirin and Porous Glass Powder
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Effects of the pore size of controlled pore glass (CPG) on whisker growth in mixtures composed of aspirin and CPG were studied. When the powder mixture and the tablets, both composed of five kinds of the CPG having different pore sizes, aspirin and micro-crystalline cellulose, were preserved in glass containers under various temperatures for 5 d, whisker growth was observed in some samples. The main component of whisker was salicylic acid, and the amount of whisker was measured using high-performance liquid chromatography at fixed time intervals. The pore size distribution was determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry. The growht rate and amount of whisker were both larger with a higher preservative temperature. Furthermore, the amount of whisker was almost proportional to the surface area of samples under the same preservative temperature above 60℃, except for the samples containing CPG350,while in the samples containing CPG350,a larger amount anda higher growth rate than expected were observed. These results suggest the participation of a particular pore size in the whisker growth.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-04-15
湯浅 宏
湯淺 宏
東京薬科大学 薬
湯浅 宏
湯浅 宏
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
金谷 芳雄
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
山下 純子
山下 純子
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
湯浅 宏
東京薬科大学 薬学部 製剤設計学教室
Kanaya Yoshio
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
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