Effects of Dizepam Administration on Melatonin Synthesis in the Rat Pineal Gland in Vivo
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The effect of diazepam (DZP) on melatonin synthesis in rat pineal gland was investigated in vivo. Subcutaneous injection of DZP (3 mg/kg) 1 h before the start of darkness significantly suppressed nocturnal elevations of pineal N-acetylserotonin (NAS) and melatonin contents in rats, and caused a 2-h delay in reaching the maximum melatonin level in the dark phase. DZP treatment also markedly suppressed the dark-induced increase of pineal N-acetyltransferase activity, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in melatonin synthesis, but had no effect on hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activity, which catalyzes the final step of melatonin formation. Pineal norepinephrine and dopamine contents, in contrast, were not altered by DZP injection. The distribution rate of DZP to the brain reached the highest level 30 min after a single injection, while that to the pineal gland was observed 5 h later (i, e., 4h after the start of darkness). It is clear that the inhibitory effect of DZP on melatonin synthesis in rat pineal gland appears concomitantly with the increase in the distribution volume of DZP into this gland. These results suggest that the inhibitory effect of DZP on melatonin synthesis results from the drug's direct action on the rat pineal gland.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1991-10-25
佐藤 哲男
Laboratory Of Biochemical Pharmacology And Biotoxicology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba Un
若林 広行
若林 広行
若林 広行
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Niigata College of Pharmacy
嶋田 健次
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Niigata College of Pharmacy
嶋田 健次
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Niigata College Of Pharmacy
Satoh Tetsuo
Laboratory Of Biochemical Pharmacology And Biotoxicology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba Un
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