Inhibitory Effect of cis-Dehydromatricaria Ester Isolated from Solidago altissima on the Growth of Mammalian Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
A cell growth inhibitory substance was isolated from Solidago altissima, which is known as a naturalized weed. The data of infrared spectrum, proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum, and mass spectrum were identical with those of cis-dehydromatricaria ester. The compound inhibited both tumor and normal mammalian cells.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1990-12-25
片野 光男
松永 尚
片野 光男
片野 光男
Department Of Surgery Saga Medical School
山本 裕士
Saga Social Insurance Hospital
Katano M
Departmet Of Surgery Saga Medical School
Mori Masao
Faculty Of Hospital Pharmacy Saga Medical School
高田 勝美
Hospital Pharmacy, Faculty of Health, Ryukyu University
高田 勝美
Hospital Pharmacy Saga Medical School
Mori M
Department Of Pharmacy Saga University Hospital
Mori M
Faculty Of Hospital Pharmacy Saga Medical School
松永 尚
Hospital Pharmacy, Saga Medical School
山本 裕士
Department of Surgery, Saga Medical School
森 昌斗
Hospital Pharmacy, Saga Medical School
田崎 正信
Hospital Pharmacy, Saga Medical School
森 昌斗
Hospital Pharmacy Saga Medical School
Matsunaga H
Takeda Chemical Ind. Ltd. Osaka Jpn
田崎 正信
Hospital Pharmacy Saga Medical School
Matsunaga H
Dep. Of Pharmacy Okayama Univ. Hospital
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