Ozagrel Hydrochloride Monohydrate, a Thromboxane Synthase Inhibitor, and Its Metabolites as Inhibitors of Hepatic Microsomal Drug Metabolism
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The change in the hepatic oxidative drug-metabolizing capacity in humans treated with ozagrel hydrochloride monohydrate (OZA), an imidazole derivative and a new thromboxane A_2 synthase inhibitor, was studied and the inhibitory potencies of the metabolites of OZA (M-1 and M-2) on the mouse hepatic microsomal monooxygenase system in vitro were compared with that of OZA.In vitro, M-1 and M-2,which are the βoxidized form and the reduced form of OZA, respectively, inhibited aminopyrine N-demethylation, aniline hydroxylation and testosterone hydroxylations in mouse hepatic microsomes and produced type II difference spectra in the same manner as OZA, The kinetic data indicated that the inhibitory potencies and the affinities of these compounds for cytochrome P-450 were decreased in the order of M-2>OZA>M-1.The ratio of 6β-hydroxycortisol (6β-OHF) to cortisol (F) in urine, used as an indicator of oxidative drug-metabolizing capacity in humans, did not change significantly during oral treatment with 400 mg/d of OZA, while the ratio decreased to 80-85% of the original level during treatment with 800 mg/d of OZA. Although the participation of the metabolites of OZA in the reduction of drug-metabolizing capacity in vivo is not yet clear, the results suggest that hepatic oxidative drug-metabolizing enzyme activities in humans are inhibited by treatment with a relatively high dose of OZA.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1989-12-25
小西 廣己
蓑内 徳蔵
山川 雅之
山川 雅之
山川 雅之
星野 伸夫
林 幸男
Hospital Pharmacy Shiga University Of Medical Science
林 幸男
森田 邦彦
星野 伸夫
星野 伸夫
Hospital Pharmacy Shiga University Of Medical Science
小野 彪
蓑内 徳蔵
島川 治巳
蓑内 徳蔵
Hospital Pharmacy, Shiga University of Medical Science
小野 彪
Hospital Pharmacy, Shiga University of Medical Science
島川 治巳
Hospital Pharmacy, Shiga University of Medical Science
森田 邦彦
Hospital Pharmacy, Shiga University of Medical Science
山川 雅之
Hospital Pharmacy, Shiga University of Medical Science
小西 廣己
Hospital Pharmacy, Shiga University of Medical Science
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