Studies on the Absorption Kinetics of Theophylline in the Steady State, Following Multiple Oral Dosing of a Sustained-Release Theophylline Tablet Formulation to Asthmatic Patients
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The pharmacokinetics of theophylline in the steady state, following multiple oral dosing of a sustained-release theophylline tablet formulation, were studied in six asthmatic patients. The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by utilizing a one-compartment model with zero-order of first-order absorption according to the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method. The computer-predicted theophylline concentrations based on the zero-order absorption model fitted the observed data points better than those based on the first-order absorption model. The nonlinear least-squares curve based on the first-order absorption model underestimated the maximum observed plasma concentrations of theophylline. Linear relationships were obtained between observed and calculated maximum plasma concentration (C_<max>) data based on the two absorption models. There was a highly significant relationship between observed and calculated time to C_<max> data based on the zero-order absorption model. These results show that the drug absorption from the sustained-release theophylline tablet formulation used in this study is best described by an apparent zero-order rather than a first-order absorption model.
- 1986-09-25
高木 健三
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
佐竹 辰夫
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
小倉 庸蔵
名古屋大学医学部附属病院 薬剤
水上 勇三
Department Of Pharmacy Gifu University Hospital
長谷川 高明
Department Of Bacteriology Nagoya University School Of Medicine
小倉 庸蔵
Department of Hospital Pharmacy
水上 勇三
Japan and Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Gifu University School of Medicine
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