Uptake of Phenothiazine Tranquilizers by Lauromacrogol Micelles in Acidic Solution
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The uptake of the phenothiazine tranquilizers by lauromacrogol (PLE) micelles was studied in relation to ionic strength, pH and the chemical structure of the phenothiazines. The phenothiazine uptake could be described by a Langmuir type equation. The number of mol of chlorpromazine bound per mol of PLE at saturation, n, increased with increasing ionic strength, but the binding constant, K, changed in the opposite manner. The combined binding constant, nK, showed an almost constant value in the range of ionic strength up to 0.14 and then increased. There was no pH-dependency of the micellar uptake (pH 3.0-6.0) at constant ionic strength (μ=0.14), indicating that only the cationic form of the phenothiazine was involved in the interaction. The value of nK was fairly well correlated with the critical micelle concentration of the phenothiazines. The results obtained suggest that the phenothiazine cations were oriented in PLE micelles so as to form mixed micelles.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1984-08-25
池田 憲
池田 憲
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
四ツ柳 智久
名古屋市立大学 薬
冨田 久夫
富田 久夫
吉柳 節夫
冨田 久夫
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University
吉柳 節夫
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University
四ツ柳 智久
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
吉柳 節夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University
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