Investigations on Flavonoid Component in the Pollen of Some Forsythia Species.
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Examinations were made on the pollens of Forsythia koreana and other species by paper chromatography in an attempt to confirm the pollen flavonoid component of forsythia which has two types of flower, one being short-styled and the other, long-styled. It had been reported that rutin is present in the pollens from the former and quercitrin in the pollens of the latter, and that a satisfactory fertilization would be prevented without the action of these different glycosides of quercetin. However, as far as the present series of experiments were concerned, it was found that rutin is solely present as the flavonoid pigment, and glucose and fructose as the free sugars. Lactose was not detected from any of the pollens.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1960-12-25
安藤 利夫
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
久道 周次
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
安藤 利夫
安藤 利夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo:(present Addresses)tohoku College Of Pharmacy
久道 周次
安藤 利夫
藤田 路一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
村上 誠愨
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Kumamoto
村上 誠愨
Faculty Of Pharmacy University Of Kumamoto
藤田 路一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
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