- 論文の詳細を見る
The excretion rates of EHB and 3-keto-EHB in the urine of intact or partially hepatectomized animals receiving EHB or 3-keto-EHB were determined by use of paper chromatography in conjunction with ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Unchanged EHB was undetectable in the urine of intact animals. Approximately 44% of EHB administered was converted to 3-keto-EHB and excreted independently of the dosage. The excretion of 3-keto-EHB began in a period of the first 3 hrs. after an administration of EHB and completed within 24 hrs. (100 or 200 mg./kg.) or 48 hrs. (400 mg./kg.). About 32% of 3-keto-EHB administered was rapidly excreted but the fate of the remainder was undetectable. Partial hepatectomy prolonged the period of excretion of 3-keto-EHB and decreased the quantity of that. Unchanged EHB was detected in partially hepatectomized rats.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1955-12-20
塚元 久雄
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Kyushu
高畠 英伍
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Kyushu
有吉 敏彦
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Kyushu
高畠 英伍
塚元 久雄
Pharmaceutical Institute. Medical Faculty University Of Kyushu
高畠 英伍
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Kyushu
- Metabolism of Drugs. XXI. Isolation and Detection of Hydroxyl Derivatives from the Urine of Rabbits receiving Ethylhexabital (EHB, 5-Cyclohexenyl-5-ethylbarbituric Acid) and Normethylhexabital (Nor-MHB, 5-Cyclohexenyl-5-methylbarbituric Acid).
- Metabolism of Drugs. XII. The Effect of β-Diethylaminoethyl Diphenylpropylacetate Hydrochloride (SKF 525-A) on the Metabolism of Ethylhexabital.
- 薬学研究奨励財団
- Biochemical Studies on the Drug Metabolism. IV. Adaptive Increases in Cyclobarbital-Metabolizing Enzyme Induced by Barbiturate Derivatives
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- Metabolism of Drugs. XIV. Metabolic Fate of p-Aminosalicylic Acid in the Rabbit. (2)
- Isolation of Glucuronide of p-Aminosalicylic Acid
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- Metabolism of Drugs. XXII. The Metabolic Fate of Thiamylal. (1)
- 薬品の生体内変化に関する研究(第5報)Ethylhexabital代謝産物の排泄速度
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- Metabolism of Drugs. XI. The Relationship between Hypnotic Activity and Metabolism of Ethylhexabital. (2). The Effect of Sex Hormones.
- Metabolism of Drugs. X. The Relationship between Hypnotic Activity and Metabolism of Ethylhexabital. (1) The Influence of Species, Sex, and Age on the Activity of Liver to Metabolize Ethylhexabital and the Isolation of an in vitro Metabolite.
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- Biochemical Studies on the Drug Metabolism. I. Some Factors Affecting on the Metabolism of Cyclobarbital.
- 薬品の生体内変化に関する研究(第1報) : Ethylhexabital(5-Cyclohexenyl-5-ethylbarbituric Acid)の生体内変化
- Metabolism of Drugs. XVIII. : The Metabolic Fate of Methylhexabital (5-Cyclohexenyl-3,5-dimethylbarbituric Acid). (8). : The Quantitative Determination of Main Biotransformation Products of Methylhexabital in the Urine of Rabbits by Ultraviolet Spectropho
- Metabolism of Drugs. XVII. Metabolic Fate of Methylhexabital (5-Cyclohexenyl-3,5-dimethylbarbituric Acid). (7). Separation and Identification of Biotransformation Products of Methylhexabital in the Urine of Rabbits by Paper Chromatography.
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- Metabolism of Drugs. XIX. Metabolic Fate of p-Aminosalicylic Acid in the Rabbit. (3).
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