A New Triterpene Glucosyl Ester from the Fruit of the Blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis)
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A new triterpene glucosyl ester, rubusside A, has been isolated from the fruit of the blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis PORT.) along with a known triterpene glucosyl ester, niga-ichigoside F1. The chemical structure of rubusside A was determined on the basis of spectroscopic data as well as chemical evidence.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2003-02-01
Okawa Masafumi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka University
Nohara Toshihiro
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sojo University
School of Agriculture, Tokai University
Nagao Toshiyuki
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Masuoka C
School Of Agriculture Tokai University
Masuoka Chikako
東海大学 農学部
ONO Masateru
Kyushu Tokai University School of Agriculture
Kyushu Tokai University School of Agriculture
Kyushu Tokai University School of Agriculture
Kyushu Tokai University School of Agriculture
Kyushu Tokai University School of Agriculture
Kyushu Tokai University School of Agriculture
ITO Yasuyuki
Kyushu Tokai University School of Agriculture
Ito Yasuyuki
School Of Agriculture Kyushu Tokai University
Komatsu H
School Of Agriculture Kyushu Tokai University
Igoshi K
Kyushu Tokai Univ. Kumamoto Jpn
Komatsu H
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Nohara Toshihiro
Faculty Of Medical And Pharmaceutical Science Kumamoto University
Kobayashi Hiroki
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Of Medicines Showa Phamaceutical University
Okawa Masafumi
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fukuoka University
Nohara Toshihiro
Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Scieces, Sojo University
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