Trypsinogen hL Expressed in the Human Lung Is a New Member of the Trypsinogen Family
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Molecular cloning of cDNA encoding a new member of the trypsinogen family, named trypsinogen hL, was carried out by PCR using human lung cDNAs as templates. The primary structure of trypsinogen hL was found to be a prepro-protein and a catalytic triad, 64His, 108Asp and 201Ser. It was also found that trypsinogen hL is specifically expressed in the human lung, the expression level being 30-times higher than those in other tissues tested. A phylogenic tree analysis showed that trypsinogen hL is a new member of the trypsinogen family, a family of serine protease family proteins.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2003-03-01
ARIGA Hiroyoshi
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
木戸 博
Sakai K
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University
KIDO Hiroshi
Division of Enzyme Chemistry, Istitute for Enzyme Research, University of Tsukuba
IMAMURA Yasuhiro
Division of Molecular Biology, Rescarch Institute for Biological Sciences, Tokyo University of Scien
KATSU Masataka
Research Laboratories, Mitsubishi Pharma Co. Ltd.
Research Laboratories, Mitsubishi Pharma Co. Ltd.
Division of Enzyme Chemistry, Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Tokushima
Sakai K
Tohoku Pharmaceutical Univ. Miyagi Jpn
Imamura Yasuhiro
Division Of Molecular Biology Rescarch Institute For Biological Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
Sakai K
Yaizu Suisan Kagaku Industry Co.
Okumura Yuushi
Division Of Enzyme Chemistry Institute For Enzyme Research The University Of Tokushima
Okumura Yuushi
Division Of Enzyme Chemistry Institute For Enzyme Research University Of Tokushima
Katsu Masataka
Research Laboratories Mitsubishi Pharma Co. Ltd.
Ariga Hiroyoshi
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
Kido Hiroshi
Division Of Enzyme Chemistry Institute For Enzyme Research
Ariga H
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
Okumura Y
Division of Enzyme Chemistry, Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Tokushima
Kido H
Division of Enzyme Chemistry, Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Tokushima
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