アギトギングチバチの種名, 分布及び雄の多形等について
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According to the Pate-Leclercq system of classification, Ectemnius martjanowii F. Morawitz can not be received in any of the subgenera hitherto described. Hence the new subgenus Yanonius was erected. The characters were given in the text. Clytochrysus dubiosus Ashmead, 1904 has been clarified to be a synonym of the present species. (Courtesy of Dr. K. V. Krombein ; vide references of the species in the text). The male of this species has been characterized in having a monstrous head with a remarkable temporal process beneath on each side. But the developmental degrees of such characters vary with the body size of the individuals as shown in Plate 12, until the male becomes similar to the female in small specimens. The species has been known to occur in E. Siberia, N. Korea, high altitude of M. Japan, the Kuriles and Saghalien. Strange to say, however, it does not occur in Hokkaido. The reason for such a curious distribution, however, seems to the writer to lie not in the existence of some palaeogeographic barriers around Hokkaido in this case, but rather simply in the extinction of the species from the region through some unknown ecological agencies, since such sympathric species as Ectemnius (Metacrabro) konowii Kohl and E. (M.) spinipes Morawitz are very commonly and fairly abundantly found there.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1956-08-05
- 文鳥の社会生態
- 綜合討論(形態学・心理学・生態学)
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- フクイアナバチについて
- アギトギングチバチの種名, 分布及び雄の多形等について