- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined foundamental studies of diverging collimator with Aloca XYS-203 type scintillation camera and the results as follows. 1) There is a 10〜20% loss of sensitivity but no loss in resolution when the diverging collimator is compared with it's parallel hole designed for the same energy range. 2) A geometrical formation of diverging collimator caused more vertical distoration than was considered acceptable. 3) The scintiphotography has a star pattern formation by the influence of the shape and arrangement of the holes and high energy γ-emitters. 4) The Moire pattern formation is demonstrated by the variation of angle between arrangement of the holes and line phantom. 5) It is proposed that such artifacts (star pattern and Moire pattern) may be eliminated by providing a moving collimator in standard Anger camera. 6) we think that the diverging collimator is useful, because this collimator have a large field of view than necessary, except the geometrical distorations.
- 公益社団法人日本放射線技術学会の論文
- 1972-03-31
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