10MV医療用直線加速器からの漏洩放射線について : 第2報 加速器ヘッド部分からの中性子漏洩と治療室内中性子線量当量およびフルエンス分布
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Neutron measurements for Mitsubishi ML-15M II B Medical linac operated in the 10 MV photon mode were carried out at different locations in a treatment room by an idone activation method with two Bonner spheres (11.5 cmφ, 20 cmφ). The method was established by Yamaguchi et. al. and can determine neutron fluence and flluence to dose equivalent conversion factor. The measurement of ^<128>I activity through ^<127>I (n, γ) ^<128>I reactions in iodoform detectors were taken after exposing each iodoform detector with or without the use of a cadmium filter (1.00 mm thick) in bare or in each of the Bonner spheres, and the results were used for determing the neutron fluence and the fluence to dose equivalent conversion factor. It also contains a method for estimating average energy of neutrons. 1. Major neutron sources considered within a treatment head are : Pt-target ; main collimator & the parts around it ; flattening filter and movable jaws in the case of 0×0 cm^2 field. Estimated relative yields for each of the above sources were 55,26,5 and 14% to total yield respectively. 2. Total leakage neutron source strength was found to be 6.4×10^<11> and 2.9×10^<11> neutrons/Gy of X-ray in the case of using Pt-target and Cu-target respectively. 3. Estimated average neutron energy was 0.43 MeV at a lacation near the front surface of the treatment head, and 0.36 MeV at the isocenter for 0×0 cm^2 field. The average energies at other locations in the room were also estimated. 4. The distribution of neutron dose equivalent in the room was approximately inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the target. At the isocenter, percent neutron dose equivalent per unit X-ray output was 0.2 and 0.06 %Sv/Gy of X-ray for 30×30 cm^2 (fully opened) and 0×0 cm^2 field respectively.
- 公益社団法人日本放射線技術学会の論文
- 1983-01-01
- 411. 新しい素材の放射線治療用体位保持具について
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- 163. 腸管モデルによる Ba 移動方法の検討 : (直腸・ S 状結腸) 第 1 報(注腸造影撮影-2 手技)
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- 327. モノクローナル抗体を使用した血中フェリチン測定キットの基礎的検討 : RI
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- 290 CRにおける銀付加フィルタの被曝低減効果の検討
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- 医療用直線加速器使用室迷路からの漏洩中性子の遮蔽について
- 10MV医療用直線加速器からの漏洩放射線について : 第3報 使用室迷路内および入口扉外側の中性子とX線の線量当量分布
- 62.医用直線加速器使用室の中性子遮蔽(第39回総会会員研究発表)(治療-3 中性子測定)
- 10MV医療用直線加速器からの漏洩放射線について : 第2報 加速器ヘッド部分からの中性子漏洩と治療室内中性子線量当量およびフルエンス分布
- 座長集約57
- 299.迷路における中性子線量当量率の変化とアクリル板による遮蔽実験(管理-3 中性子)
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- 46.医用直線加速器-10MV X線-使用室からの中性子漏洩について(第35回総会会員研究発表)(管理2漏洩線)
- 診療放射線技師教育のあり方(北海道支部)
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- 101.医用加速器モニタ線量計の温度・気圧補正(第40回総会会員研究発表)(治療-4 装置器具-2)
- 8.IONEX線量計および0.6ccチャンバーに関する考察(北海道部会)
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