3. SPECTの画質改善 : ソフトウェアの立場から : 脳神経核医学検査の技術的問題点 : 第45回総会シンポジウム
- 論文の詳細を見る
To perform accurate in vivo quantification by Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in the brain, following techniques are being developed, 1) Optimized filtering to improve signal to noise ratio, and 2) Attenuation correction in non-uniform attenuator. 3) Accurate compton scatter compensation. In this paper, verious efforts on above three techniques in softwear towards quantification of SPECT data will be reported. Common filters such as Butterworth, Wiener and Metz filters defined on frequency domain should be standardized and the optimized parameters be registered on database depending on the organ and radionulide used. Those parameters can be determined empirically from phantom experiments or by using normalize log power spectrum of the image. More accurate images can be reconstructed by using Radial Post Correction (RPC) method with attenuation correction for the cranial bone. Energy weighted acquision method which compensate compton scatter event by event is thought to be promising in the nuclide with lower enegy emitter.
- 公益社団法人日本放射線技術学会の論文
- 1989-10-01
- PACS : 概論, 核医学部門への応用, ユーザーの視点に立つ評価
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- 3. SPECTの画質改善 : ソフトウェアの立場から : 脳神経核医学検査の技術的問題点 : 第45回総会シンポジウム
- SPECTの画像改善(ソフトウェア面から) : シンポジウム-2 脳神経核医学検査の技術的問題点
- SPECTの吸収補正 (医用画像機器-4-)
- 医用画像情報システム (特集 医用画像の最新情報)
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