ボロンパック法で表面合金化されたIN738LCの拡散接合性 : 接合面合金化による拡散接合法の研究(第5報)
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Diffusion welding method using boron coating layer on bonding surface of IN738LC with pack cementation has been studied. In this report, diffusion weldability of IN738LC with boron coating surface layer was investigated. After boron coating layers were formed on IN738LC specimens, they were separated into two groups. One group was heat treated in vacuum. The other was not treated in vacuum. The boron coated specimen was then welded to a uncoated IN738LC specimen. Observation of microstructures and X-ray microanalysis in cross sections were conducted, and the joint strengths were measured. The results showed that suitable weldment was obtained by remelting boron coating layer formed at above 1073K in vacuum.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1987-08-05
小倉 慧
舟本 孝雄
(株)日立製作所 日立研究所
和知 弘
(株)日立製作所 日立研究所
松坂 矯
志田 朝彦
小倉 慧
松坂 矯
加藤 光雄
志田 朝彦
和知 弘
松坂 矯
小倉 慧
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