マグネシウムによるAl_2O_3皮膜の還元分解現象を利用した焼結挙動 : アルミニウム合金粉末粒子の焼結現象と粒子表面構造解析に関する研究(第2報)
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The effect of Mg on the sintering behavior of the aluminum alloy powder particles has been examined by using the deoxidization reaction of the Al_2O_3 surface film by Mg. When sintering an aluminum alloy green compact with relative density of 88%, the relative density of sintered material with and without Mg was 97% and 94%, respectively, that is, Mg was remarkably effective on sintering between aluminum alloy powder particles. It is considered that the solid phase diffusion of the aluminum atoms occurs at the interface between the primary particles during heating due to the deoxidization of the Al_2O_3 surface film by Mg. When the content of Mg increased, the pores located at the triangle junction of the primary particle boundary decreased and the mechanical properties, such as the tensile strength and elongation, were remarkably improved. The area of the dimple patterns at the fractured surface of the tensile specimen also increased.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 2001-05-05
木村 淳
住友電気工業 解析技研セ
渡辺 龍三
近藤 勝義
近藤 勝義
渡辺 龍三
近藤 勝義
近藤 勝義
木村 淳
住友電気工業 株式会社
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