フラッシュ溶接中の温度分布について(<特集>中小企業を対象とした : 溶接構造物の技術・施工管理の要点)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Time variation of temperature rise of any point P which holds a distance ζfrom the flashing surface is calculated in non dimensional form from the fundamental heat conduction equation, assuming that the temperature of the flashing surface is held at the fusion temperature θ_f, the room temperature being equal to zero. Assumption A. The burn off per specimen is assumed to be expressed as B=l/n・α_i・t^n where α_i and n are constant, n being n≧1. The base quantities of distance and time for non dimensional expression are choiced as shown in equ. (12) so that for t=τ_o, the burn off becomes B=z_o. See Fig. 2. It must be remarked that z_o and τ_o are bound through n and thermal diffusivity k as shown in equ. (17). The calculated results (Fig. 4,5) show that the non dimensional temperature ψ=θ/θ_f for any given point η (=ζ/z_o) takes a maximum value ψ_m at a certain time τ_m (=t_m/τ_o) and that the temperature ψ holds nearly constant value of ψ_m for considerable long time, though the above mentioned tendency decreases as n increases from 1. In Fig. 6 the calculated relations between the maximum temperature ψ_m for η and the corresponding time τ_m are plotted. It is remarkable that for case of n=2,3 the time τ_m for a given value of η takes smaller (nearly minimum) value compared to the cases of n=1.5,6. In Fig. 7 the relations between ψ_m and η are plotted for n=1.5∿6 as well as for n=1,∞. In case of n=1,the curve takes the well known simple exponential form of equ. (21). Case when the temperature of flashing surface is assumed to rise linearly with time from zero to θ_f in time of t=0→t_o is also calculated. Assumption B. Curves (2) and (3) in Fig. 8 show the case of n=2 for t_o=0.5 τ_o and 1.0 τ_o. Curves (1) are for t_o=0,which are same as Fig. 4,and we see the degree of decrease of ψ_m and the delay of τ_m from the figure. The calculated results of relation of ψ_m and η in case of n=2 are compared with the experimental data executed in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, for which Dr. Suzuki et al. have proposed in Welding Journal (34 June 271-s 1955) the experimental formula of ψ_m=ε^<-0.92η>_s. See Fig. 9. It is remarkable that our calculated results coincide fairly well with the experimental results of the Institute and the proposed formula, though the experimental conditions may not coincide with our assumptions. Several comments on the theoretical considerations in the above mentioned literature are described in our paper.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1982-11-05
- 222 大電流立向自動溶接における上昇速度制御法とその溶接の安定性に与える影響
- 薄い母板の温度上昇についての瞬時発現の直線熱源と移動点熱源との比較考察
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- 224 瞬時発現の直線熱源による薄板の温度上昇曲線
- フラッシュ溶接中の温度分布について(中小企業を対象とした : 溶接構造物の技術・施工管理の要点)
- 424 フラッシュ溶接における温度分布の熱伝導論的論考 (第3報) : フラッシュ端面温度、つかみ電極の影響
- 116 フラッシュ溶接における温度分布の熱伝導論的論考(第2報) : 安定化温度の最高値ψmの特性
- 115 フラッシュ溶接における温度分布の熱伝導論的論考(第1報) : 温度の無次元解析
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- 330 コンデンサ式スポット溶接機による溶接ナゲット部の温度上昇の計算
- 移動熱源による厚い母板中の温度曲線
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- 溶接の研究
- 学術・技術 50 年の回顧
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- 溶接金属の高温変形能について : 薄板アルミニウム合金の高温割れ現象(第 1 報)
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