金属材料のレーザ溶接(第 2 報) : ビード形状にたいする移動速度の影響
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In CO_2 laser welding of stainless steel plate, correlation between travelling velocity and dimensions of the weld bead is examined over a wide range of 0.2-200m/min. The interaction between the cavity and the incident beam is analyzed. The penetration depth and joining rate are estimated on the basis of this correlation and the heat conduction theory. Results obtained are summerized as follows : (1) Under fixed focussing condition, cyclic change in the beam intensity at the bottom of the cavity occurs, producing step-like change in the dimensions of the bead with the travelling velocity. (2) Under optimal focussing condition, the ratio of penetration depth to mean bead width is almost constant in a wide travelling speed range of 1-40m/min. In this range, the penetration depth is inversely proportional to the square root of the travelling velocity. (3) The maximum joining rate, 320mm/kJ, has been obtained at a penetration depth about 0.5mm. The joining rate is inversely proportional to the penetration depth.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1981-04-05
- 215 Si_3N_4セラミック加工時のエネルギー解析 : エキシマレーザを用いた材料加工(第2報)
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