ワイヤ通電方式プラズマアーク溶接の特性 : 溶加材送給を行なったプラズマ溶接について(第 2 報)
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The authors have developed a new plasma welding process with the filler wire heated by the arc from the wire (named "arc wire"). A new plasma welding process with "arc-wire" addition is described. This paper deals with the characteristics of the current through the filler wire and observation of the metal transfer by the high-speed camera. The results obtained are as follows; 1) In plasma arc welding with "arc-wire" addition, the deposition rate increases until it nearly equals that of the CO_2-arc welding. 2) When the constant votlage characteristics is used for the "arc-wire" power supply, I_w is regulated to an adequate current value automatically by the self adjusting action. 3) From high-speed films of the metal transfer it has been clarified that the molten filler wire transfers to the molten pool with streaming transfer just like the water flow and the liquid metal is constricted into several little droplets between the tip of the wire and the molten pool.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1979-12-05
田口 裕也
羽田 光明
今永 昭慈
妹島 五彦
田口 裕也
今永 昭慈
妹島 五彦
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