水中におけるサブマージアーク溶接(第 2 報) : フラックス入りワイヤによる SM41 鋼および SM50 鋼の溶接
- 論文の詳細を見る
Underwater welding by the submerged-arc welding process is investigated by using the 1.6 and 2mm diameter flux cored wires and a flux MF43 mixed with water glass. Welding experiments are done by using SM41 and SM50 steel base metals of 6,9 and 12mm in thickness and it is ascertained that this process may be put to practical use. Main results are summerized as follows : (1) Sound weld can be obtained easily by using flux cored wires and a special flux mixed water glass with MF43,due to stable arc. (2) Weld metal does not include a blowhole. And cracks are not obserbed at heat-affected zone and in weld metal. (3) The welds resulting from this process have excellent mechanical properties in both tensile strength and notch toughness. (4) Cooling rate at 500℃ at bond is 13-15℃/s and it seems to be much lower value than those by any other underwater welding processes.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
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