KCl-LiCl 系および KCl-NaCl フラックスの粘性に関する研究
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Viscosities of molten fluxes depend on their composition and temperature. Since the viscosities of fused fluxes have an important influence on operation of fusion welding and brazing, we measured the vis cosities of KCL-LiCL and KCL-NaCL systems by damped oscillation method with platinum disc. Since the flow of liquid is a rate process, the viscosity has been treated as such and the activation energy for viscous flow was calculated from equation I. [numerical formula] The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. KCL-LiCL system The isotherms of viscosities against molar composition for system showed negative deviation from additivity and a minimum value of viscosity was recognized at 58 mole per cent LiCL. The activation energy for viscous flow showed negative deviation from additivity. 2. KCL-NaCl system The isotherms of viscosities showed negative deviation from additivity and a minimum value of viscosity was recognized at 70 mole per cent NaCL. The activation energy showed positive deviation from additivity in the range of 0∿40 mole per cent NaCL and showed negative deviation in the range of 40∿100 mole per cent NaCL. These deviations are caused by the interaction of molecules, and the activation energy for viscous flow of molten fluxes mixture may be represent by the equation 2. [numerical formula]
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