熔接用被覆剤の電弧現象に及ぼす特性について(第 2 報) : 被覆剤の電弧電圧に及ぼす影響
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This report states the results of the experiment attempted by the author to make clear the reasons why each compound of metals having similar atomic weights shows wide difference in arc voltage (see Report 1,Fig. 1). The main points thus clarified are as follows : 1) Between instant arc voltage at constant arc lengh produced in oxides or carbonates (to be referred hereafter simply as instant arc voltage of compounds) and atomic weight of metal element of these compounds the same relations are observed as were shown in the experiment of the stationary arc voltage by coated electrodes, to which the author earlier referred in Report I (to be mentioned hereafter simply as stationary arc voltage of compounds) concerning the periodic law group to which the metal belongs. 2) Curvilinear relations are observed between instant or stationary arc voltage and effective radius of metal ions of compounds, excepting those liable to decomposition at low temperatures. 3) Instant or stationary arc voltage has also curvilinear relations with the distance between the two atoms of metal element and of oxygen element in the compounds, excepting those liavle to decomposition at low temperatures. 4) From the above observations it can be inferred that instant or arc voltage is closely related with heat dissociation, heat ionization or electron ionization.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
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