- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Having discovered 257 Aphis gossypii Glover of the intermediate form among those collected from various plants throughout Japan over a period from 1965 to 1967, the present author has described their morphological characteristics, presented some of his bionomical observations, and discussed the significance of the intermediate form. 2. The intermediate form of A. gossypii can be classified into several categories ranging from those close to being alate to those close to being apterous, but they have been divided, in this research, into four types specifically in terms of the shape of wings. They are (A) those with long wings and slightly noticeable veins, (B) those with relatively long wings in their underdeveloped bag-like forms, (C) those with short wings, and (D) those with either small wing buds or wings undetectable at all. It has been made clear that the types A, B, C and D account for 0.8%, 6.7%, 19.4%, and 73.1%, respectively, the majority of the intermediate form of A. gossypii being nearly apterous. 3. The intermediate form of A. gossypii is commonly characterized by having (1) either atrophied or vestigial wings, (2) secondary sensoria provided at the third segment of the antenna, (3) developed thoraces, and (4) ocelli in the head. Thus the intermediate form has at least one of those properties mentioned above. In so far as the author's classification is concerned, types A and B cover all the characteristics from (1) through (4), and type C universally shows (1) and (2), some individuals having also (3) and (4) in a slight measure. 4. Concerning the condition of the plants while they are sustaining the parasitic life of the intermediate form of A. gossypii, the host plants are found to be youthful and briskly luxuriant. The plants are over-populated with the A. gossypii, which largely consist of apterous in their larval and adult stages. On the contrary, almost none or a very small number of adult and larvae of the alate are found. This fact suggests that the apearance of the intermediate form is likely to be facilitated by favorable environmental factors, nutritional and meteorological. 5. As for the significance of the intermediate form, it is reasoned that some individuals equipped with qualities of alate make an atavistic appearance among apterous individuals on account of the evolutional fact that the apterous has advanced from the alate. In view of the existence of various degrees of the intermediate form, approximating the alate, at on end, and the apterous, at the other, it is surmised that the evolutionary advancement of the species may be ascertained out what type of the intermediate form constitutes the greatest portion of the species. In the case of A. gossypii, the intermediate form having the characteristics of apterous accounts for as much as 73% of the total population presumably evidencing the fairly progressed stage of evolution.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1968-09-20
- 宇都宮大学峰キャンパスにおけるハムシ相と生息環境の変遷
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- 栃木県塩谷町において昆虫誘引器により捕獲された甲虫類
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